Friday, June 21, 2024

The TRUTH: It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better.

 Love is, more than just sex, it is the moments, the steps, the connection, the look in his eyes, crazy for you, and your dances in darkness, your dances to magic, madness, and mountain climbs. W4M. I could go on, but it would be like, pearls to pigs, just saying. The View - rants & raves SANDIEGO.CRAIGSLIST.ORG The View - rants & raves The TRUTH: It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better.Addicted to improvement! Trying to master the art of a perfect tea while running a...

 TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Failure is proof that you triedNow go try again.' No problemPilar DsilvasBlog. ' Just For Writer, Like Me, And The Powers Within ...TRUST ME, YOU KNOW HOW το DANCE! TEQUILA'. TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Failure is proofthat you triedNow go try again.' No problemPilar DsilvasBlog. 'What ...

We all struggle through different things, there's a time to let go, sometimes it keeps trying to bring you back, try to put it aside and not ...Love is, more than just sex, it is the moments, the steps, the connection, the look in his eyes, crazy for you, and your dances in darkness, your dances to magic, madness, and mountain climbs. W4M. I could go on, but it would be like, pearls to pigs, just saying. The View - rants & raves SANDIEGO.CRAIGSLIST.ORG The View - rants & raves The TRUTH: It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better.Addicted to improvement! Trying to master the art of a perfect tea while running a...

Break Downs, Hammer Time, Hands In Air:Angels Sing Blessings Notes:If GAY means happy, then I'm extremely fucking straight'.YOU SHALL, QUESTION NOT, FIND A WAY TO THE TOP IF YOU DILIGENTLY SEEK FOR IT; FOR NATURE HATH PLACED NOTHING SO HIGH THAT IT IS OUT OF THE REACH OF INDUSTRY AND VALOR....
LOVELIGHTSLESSONSLUCKYBREAKSGOODTIMES.BLOGSPOT.COM. Most millionaires have already figured this out, but for some reason most of us refuse to do it...Queen Of England, Cuban Transplants:Times on the cross, trips to hell and back, free rides. Angels in the heavens, angels here on earth, ...The TRUTH: It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better.
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Sorry for the radio silence! Between the busy and exhausted it is just really hard right now to talk about what we are living through.

235 complaints in a year, that is what they work for, to fail you, to rob you, and give you less than nothing for their service.ALL I CAN SAY: LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS, so to be honest .Salad of words, your take, your view, Mr. Giant Senior Man.A NATION DIVIDED CANNOT STAND'.


Steven Jarrot, and his band of mules, gifts of oral delights, charmer snake in the gras....need account help. hacker deleted account, get back in place....nice picture, thanks, sleeping lion. Games played with crooks and robbers, cowboys and Calling in Desert. Cows,Cattle, And Cattlecalls, Ready for What?...Enough for the Charmed....Game Over......Snakes in the Grass Cages for the freaks, cages for the cattle and the cattle callers, cages for the frogs to date for the party and play time on the beach. Gifts to share for the deeds and the actions done, changes for the cages for the frogs on the beach, dates in the dated RV by the beach in Ventura, Ca for the year of 2014, and the start of 2015. Tricks, trades, dicks to suck for the free will and the chances to flip a car. Steven Jarrot, and his band of mules, gifts of oral delights, charmer snake in the grass.

The TRUTH: It may not lead you to where you thought you were going, but it will always lead you somewhere better.

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