Sunday, June 23, 2019

leeping Beauty's Castle. 💛Love, Lights, Lucky Breaks,🦋Birds, Bees,Butterflies, Ways To Go.🇺🇸Things We Have In Common.

Strangers to friends, here's to us, woman to man, meeting of the minds, third eyes open.the hearts, hands, the hits and misses, pebbles on the shores of time, what is up with you. 

Passes to walk, passes on the state, heads to roll, sinners, saints, learners and losers, schools of hard knocks. Cali chick, babe, black and proud, heads above the common, cattle drives, bitches and birds, wings to air. Peter Pan, late again, located where, retired yet, at the head of your class.
Image result for Stone Dazes on Beach:
Sleeping Beauty's Castle. 💛Love, Lights, Lucky Breaks,🦋Birds, Bees,Butterflies, Ways To Go.🇺🇸Things We Have In Common.Picture of friends, nux and snakes, faces in light of day. Friends and emenies, donkeys and monkey in woods, jokes in real life. Worms inside, hackers for views share online, history of freaks and snakes. 

Image result for Stone Dazes on Beach:
Dens of snakes, frogs that I may have kissed, big mistake, I can see now. Help for others, friends and foes, snakes once in life, always a skin, all the time. In the shadows in the dark, cum suckers with snakes, out of the box, out of the dark. Donkeys in fields, Jokes online, history records, more than one place, so many faces to make, bitch all right. five stars ,do not forget.  
Image result for Stone Dazes on Beach:
Nux Flakes, is what, here is a picture, friends for life, jokeWhat a life? What a nightmare for a life, dreams of the flipping of the cards, dreams of a better daze with out the trick, dreams of a better daze with a house, dreams of a host of angels full of sugar and spice for the girls in training. Gifts to share with the lessons learned daily bread for the sinners and the saints, wishes on a star. Hopes, prayers, wishes, desires floating, searching for places to land. Pieces of a dream in action, flipping the cards, flipping the coins, taking the high roads to greatness.

Image result for Stone Dazes on Beach:
Sleeping Beauty's Castle. 💛Love, Lights, Lucky Breaks,🦋Birds, Bees,Butterflies, Ways To Go.🇺🇸Things We Have In Common. Party and play, Long Beach, tricks, chicks, and dicks 7608512267 Rachel Wigsout: Rachel Jarrot: wigs only $6000 in Beverly Hills, have herds of prey : STEVEN jARROT:7603601613: Party and play with a dick or two, order for the night..THANK GOD ...STILL CUM DUMP HERE DICKS OR CHICKS 7608512267: TODAY. ONCE AGAIN I SAY DONT HATE ITS NO WAY TO LIVE.
Image result for Stone Dazes on Beach:

💛Love, Lights, Lucky Breaks,🦋Birds, Bees,Butterflies, Ways To Go.🇺🇸Things We Have In Common. Rites To Reasons, Seasons Of Liars, Crooks, Spiders And Worms. Birthdays Daily, Christmas 2.The world is full of lunatics.You:common crazy? Three levels of stupid, slow, simple, silly, sons to shine, heads above common,pages to go...

    Truthful And Honest, Roots Of Hands To Hold, Nuts To Fall Alone. Pages To Turn. Frank Agresti :Cornerstones Of Success, Dicks, Dogs, Bitches In Heat, Veterans Housing Matters, Where To Sleep.
    Bald and fat, Red Dates, Read and wide, dicks and dawgs, dates with cheap fucks, no cash to spend, no house of his own, back with the kids and their dawgs, circles of rejects from NY. retards and basket cases.Frank Agresti :Cornerstones Of Success, Dicks, Dogs, Bitches In Heat, Veterans Housing Matters, Where To Sleep.Sleeping Beauty's Castle. 💛Love, Lights, Lucky Breaks,🦋Birds, Bees,Butterflies, Ways To Go.🇺🇸Things We Have In Common.

    Taking more for living, from good ole Sire/Mare/Cattle/and Blacks people that do not need money, so Daddy gets from blacks or less than Jewish Whites. Cube is better than Mexico, and those family members are used to be projection for their owning feeling. It is how we get our feel good. So help me become the great Jewish Party Person, who is much better than a Rock Star. At least the Rock Stars are not equal to me in the Big Apple. Snakes in Apple is a worm in Paradise, or the snake with the weak man, who wanted SEX for the apple. I have a bald head, and my life is over, thank GGod for the black magic woman that my sire took to give me driving lessons. She bought me a car, and my sire and mare are working together again. We will soon be back in place. Why Men Love Bitches-Sherry ArgovS

    Reese Smith, dead, undead, and unstable 562 200 9102 to date.LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL...I have some 420 to give/barter for a wet kitty for - m4w 53 (oxnard)age : 53 : Dated July 22, 2015: words of snake charmer-Steve Jarrot-7608512267: Not a cheater is how he sees his-self, and the ads he places while girlfriends works, flying here and there, fake boyfriends, same as pimps. 

    Dead to rites, lights out, in the darkness still, hell hounds. Monkeys swinging in the dogwood trees: fruits and nuts to date 562 200 9102. I concur. Mistakes, bumps in road, dances on the beach. Crooks, robbers and suckers to date.  Crook Steven Jarrot 7608512267. Cum snakes, tasteful delights, need it licked by oral experts on the beach? Time of their lives to trick, trade for cash or credits, free rides to hell, hell hounds loose, snake dens alerts.  Dream life, Steven and Sheri Jarrot, married for licks and suckers, lifestyle to sell. Frog dates: I want to lick suck a wet kitty today, Any race ok - m4w 46 (Montclair) Mar 19, 2015: I HAVE 420 IF YOU HAVE A JUICY KITTY like kid, Rachel Wigsout: Rachel Jarrot 805 205 5026 dates to suck, life away....m4w 46 (UPLAND). 

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